This is what happens when you type on a phone & get a phone call in the middle of your response, but then finish your word verification word AFTER your finished phone call! You look like a dork for typing the very same response as the previous person before you.....
Magnus is just the same. I even let him smell my beer in the hope it would put him off, but he just tried to bite the glass.
Word Verification: ovoidle - a lazy egg?
And so proving Alex's father like son!
I think I mentioned this previously, like father like's just so very true!
Love the photos!
This is what happens when you type on a phone & get a phone call in the middle of your response, but then finish your word verification word AFTER your finished phone call! You look like a dork for typing the very same response as the previous person before you.....
Just sayin'
Shanksi: Yeah, if only his fascination would extend to actually consuming cereal, we'd be sorted.
Fi: Luckily I was a model child
Jen: Geez, what a dork. :-P
Maybe you should try drinking some cereal from a pint glass...
Word verification:coallyst - a miner?
Can I try beer from a cereal bowl first?
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