Dirty window though. Can hardly see a thing. Let's stop somewhere.
That's better. Gosh, that runway looks like it's just hard packed sand, doesn't it? Where the flipping heck are we?
Mukhaizna? Do you think there's a Starbucks in the yellow terminal building there? No, okay then, let's go for a drive.
Is that a honeymoon or some kind of work-related trip?
Oh the Places You Go, Ian.
I would certainly recommend it to anyone looking for a relaxing honeymoon destination. Sand...Heat...Drilling rigs... what's not to like
I know, Alli, I go to all the hotspots. One day they'll find oil somewhere fun. One day.
They already have - it's called the North Sea. I had lots of fun on Clyde platform in 1995...
My Dad quite liked Trinidad. Something to do with the rum.
So, did you see any camels? Wild camels?
More about the camels, please!
Yeah, but the North Sea doesn't meet my other criteria, warmth. Trinidad would, but everyone I know who's gone there gets punted straight onto a rig.
Sorry Jen, no camels. I'm as disappointed as you.
Other than "warmth", were there any other criteria you were thinking about, or was that the only criterion you had in mind? Or am I just being pedantic again?
Or being a w*nker?!
I hate you correcting folk, Iain.
Not pedantic, just suffering from poor comprehension, this time. Warmth and fun. It's all there in the conversation.
Don't be too hard on him Vikki, knowing he's out there makes me read my comments for correct usage of their, there and they're. It's like having my primary 6 teacher, who clearly did a bad job, in my head at all times.
One of us is suffering from poor comprehension anyway, it may well be the bored half drunk, really tired one. But then I've always thought criterion was a pub in Stornoway.
There's also a Criterion pub in Aberdeen. I think it's the dodgy one across from the bus station, well worth avoiding from what I can remember.
The one in Stornoway was a palace of underage drinking delight. So they tell me.
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