Monday, May 25, 2009

Turned Out Nice Again

80f/26c. Clear blue skies, though we may get a thunderstorm or two later. As long as the weather's nice though, the gang's making the most of it.

The dude lounged around for a bit:

But then decided it would be a good day to break out the boat:


Anonymous said...

Great pics, so jealous. Looks like everyone is having fun. Speak soon. X


Chouch said...

I'll try to do the same this week end in the fjord with the water at 15C (maybe 16C now)

Fi said...

YAY! Finally some photos of the visitors!!
Weather looks gorgeous. Lovin' the cool dude shades and the boat is FAB!

Alex said...

Your mother got in the pool!? Next it'll be tequila slammers!

I'm glad you are all enjoying yourselves. 26C sounds great, it was 49C here yesterday, cruel and unusual punishment for a Scotsman!

Anonymous said...

Getting in the pool's the easy part
Having a great time,sadly on the countdown now but all good things come to an end,have to make the most of my last few days

Vikki said...

Love the pics, love the pool *jealous*

Ian said...

CJ: Maybe next summer?

Loic: You should do that. Please take pictures.

Fi: Weather has been pretty good. The shades are awesome. Nikki found them, of course.

Alex: Tequila slammers were last week's adventure.

Vikki: I know, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Ian: I'll probably be pregnant again next summer!!!!!! Slam. Oh sorry that was Andy running out the door and heading for the hills. HEEHEE. Would love to come out. You never know. ALl my love.