Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Two Weeks Ago

Sorry, I didn't get around to uploading it until now.

There should be a shot of the bump as of tonight here as well, but I took it on our sofa. Nikki has now decidecd that sofa is too ugly to be on the Internet. Sorry sofa.
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Jen said...

I have to say that Nikki sounds just as great as she looks!

...super excited for you both!

Anonymous said...

ah, you look gorgeous Nikki. hope you're feeling just as good?

Anonymous said...

Nikki - you look fantastic!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with everybody Nikki you look really great,can't wait
Excited gran xxxx

Allison Horner said...

Awww, Nikki looks so happy & great!!! :)

WOW!! Just a few more weeks, eh???

Hubby & I are very excited for you 2!

Bruce Lenorf said...

Nikki, that's really exciting. I hope that I'll have the opportunity to drop by in Houston one of these days to see your expanded family. All the best for the remaining 2 weeks. I can't wait to see the result. Hopefully the baby will get most of your genes... I see no other good option.

Anonymous said...

aw! you look beautiful, nikki! :) can't wait for the little one to get here!


Chouch said...

Are we there yet?? Are we there yet?? Good luck to you guys!!

Ian said...

Hello everybody, Ian here. I've been hinting to Nikki for a while now that she should respond to your kind comments, but she's a bit preoccupied for some reason, so on her behalf, thank you all very much for your kind comments.

Fi said...

Ahah! So that's the haircut you mentioned!
I should have looked at the Blog first....didn't realise you had a photo up.
Looking blooming marvellous hon!
(I'm sure Ian that you look great too but since I can't see you this one's for Nikki!)
Waiting with baited breath for our nephew/niece to arrive.
Much love,

Vikki said...

Just back from our hols so I'm glad you didn't give birth when we were away as we only got online once! We were thinking about you both though. You look great, Nikki! Hope the birth goes well for you. Keep us posted, Lots of love Vikki xx